Red and Black and Slimy Green!
This will be a long post. Brace yourself.
Halloween, which is probably my second fav holiday the year, is over. Admitedly a ridiculous holiday, it's still fun to dresss up and see everyone else's costumes. AND you get to celebrate horror, spookiness, and monsters, which is fun.
THIS Halloween I went as Rorshach from "The Watchmen," although sadly I do not have any pictures to share (I only wore the full costume one night). It was neat that a good deal of people actually knew who I was though. I also went to a fun horror-film fest where we saw some old campy classics. We opened w/ "Night of the Living Dead," then moved on to "Re-Animator" which I found to be everything I could have asked for in terms of camp, horror, and comedy. I am seriously considering getting it on DVD. From there we moved on to the laughable "House by the Cemetary," that had so much wrong with it you couldn't help but enjoy it. After that, it was about 2 in the morning and I kinda zoned out...the best thing of course was that we just got to SEE these in an old-school movie theater.
LAST night we also finished off Halloween by seeing "The Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3-D. As a kid, I remember liking TNBC, but it kinda creeped me out, and it wasn't until I reached jr. high that I began to really appreciate it. As I've grown to become a greater fan of stop-motion animation, I've grown to treasure this movie more and more. The 3-D version really wasn't anything overly fantastic, but at least it didn't distract and added a little bit of something new. What WAS fantastic was just to SEE this movie on the big screen, especially since the theater had EXCELLENT sound, and much of what makes "Nightmare" so much fun is the music. I'm going to be humming those tunes for at LEAST the next couple weeks.
Now I'm going to completely change gears for a sec. As I went to bed the other night, just for fun and rumination, I thought about every girl I've had some sort of crush, desire, or flirtatious relationship with. And I think I've been able to nail them (bad pun) down to four distinct types. I'm not trying to generalize the girls here, just the pattern they fall into when I fall for them:
CRUSH-TYPE #1: The Booster
I think I've had three main Boosters in my life. There are peripheral Boosters too, but only three that stand out. The Booster is a girl that is far more into YOU than you are into them. Often you still find The Booster attractive for whatever reason, but she never "clicks" for you. However you still try to make things work with The Booster because, frankly, you're flattered and she makes you feel good about yourself. It's a horrible, selfish thing, but it happens. AND there's always the chance you really will develop something stronger for The Booster, although in my experience this rarely occurs. By definition, The Booster is often "easy" as well.
CRUSH-TYPE #2: The Body
These are the worst (valuewise) of the four types of crushes because of the shallowness of the crush. However they are also the easiest to get over. The Body is a girl that you like simply because, hey, she's hot. She MAY have a nice personality, she MAY be smart (although often not so much), but really, you only like her 'cuz she has a killer bod. It's sad, but true. The Body is often unnatainable, OR you know deep down that what you really want is something The Body can't offer, OR if you ever do get in the position to attain her you realize quickly that it wasn't what you wanted in the first place. However, they are quite common...possibly the most common of the four crush-types.
CRUSH-TYPE #3: The Pedestal
The Pedestal is similar to The Body in that they are unnatainable, but even MORE so. By definition, The Pedestal is a girl that is SO smart, beautiful, and desirable that you feel you never have a shot with her from the get-go. You may relish a crush on The Pedestal for YEARS, usually in jr. high and high school, although they do crop up in college now and then. However you hardly EVER talk to The Pedestal and never get to know her well. On rare occasions, after months of agonizing over the inward torture you feel for this girl, you might find out that The Pedestal really isn't all that she's cracked up to be...she might be kind of shallow or an idiot. OR you find out that really she WAS attainable, but you've just waited too long. In my experience The Pedestal herself is often someone who is very shy and reserved, which makes them all the more unnapproachable. BUT once (if ever) you do finally talk to them you find out they are just like everyone else. Of course I always find this out too late, but I suspect that in rare cases the Pedestal could be transferred to Crush-Type #4, the BEST type.
CRUSH-TYPE #4: The Match
Matches are AWESOME, although true ones are hard to come by. However the best Matches result in love that is pure, true, and less-fleeting than all the other types. Ideally every one of the first three Crush-Types could be transformed into The Match, although it rarely happens. Often girls you think COULD be type #4 don't turn out that way. In my experience I've only had ONE really solid Crush-Type #4, although I'm hoping there might be another one on the way right now. Crush-Types #4 can develop in various ways, but the most common, and best, way, is that they don't start out as a crush at all. They are just a girl you get to know for some reason, and you click really well. At first, you might not even notice how physically attractive they are. Yet after you continue chatting you find yourself thinking more and more about the at-this-point POSSIBLE Match, until you realize that just being around her makes you happier than ever. To quote Metallica, "Nothing Else Matters."
Of course, the hardest part with Matches are when one must make the jump to admit their crush to The Match herself. However, if it works, one is vastly rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. Yet one has the most to risk by doing this with a Match too, since Matches are usually more than just a crush, and they result in the worst type of heartbreak (although Pedestals may give them a run for their money).
So there you have it. There are of course many girls who are on the periphery of these various types, and occasionally girls can transfer from one type to another, but these four types exemplify the patterns I have noted the most in my life. Currently, I feel I may be involved with a type #1, 3, and 4. It all may be for naught, but all this sudden drama with various crush-types that has developed within the last couple weeks has at LEAST made me go far enough to change my facebook status from "single" (which it has been from day 1) to "nothing" (a.k.a. "mysterious)." Time will tell.
All in all, I think this might come off as kind of a pathetic, self-absorbed post, but in a good way. It's my blog, I can write whatever I want!
What else? They killed off one of my three favorite characters on "Lost" (Mr. Eko) which is a bummer. Now there's just Locke (my #1) and Sawyer left. Stupid smoke-monster.
I'm also REALLY worried about my ecology class...much of the subject matter is interesting, but the teacher is AWFUL. He's a nice guy, but I'm not learning ANYTHING, and I don't have the time with 310 to re-learn and labor over what he actually expects from us. And I don't know whether I can feasibly drop the class or take it pass/fail at this point. I'm in a pickle. Yikes!
Merry Halloweenzmas!