Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Manliest Movie Moment #2

Just finished watching "Dog Day Afternoon" with Al Pachino. As usual, he gives a stellar performance that sells the movie more than anything else. Why isn't he doin' more stuff these days? I've NEVER seen him in a bad role. Sure, he's been in a few so-so movies, but Pachino himself always excells. Also, I found in this movie at least that he REALLY bears a striking resemblance to the young Dustin Hoffman. He and him should have played brothers at some point. Dustin could have been the nice one, Al the one who would friggin' rip your head off.

However, the BEST part of "Dog Day Afternoon" is that it contains what I consider the second manliest movie moment onscreen. The first, as I already established in my first blog entry (I believe) was when Viggo Mortensen shook hands with Harrison Ford in "Witness." The second, contained here, is when Al Pachino manages to get all his hostages into a limo-van to go to the airport. An FBI agent drives the car, and winds up sitting next to Al. And who PLAYS this FBI agent??? LANCE HENRIKSEN!!!! YES!!!! The synthetic human Lance Henriksen who gets stabbed through the chest by the Alien Queen in "ALIENS"!!!!! How awesome is that??? Lance and Al together in the front seats of a limo-van!!!!

So yeah...that's it.


At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, Dan has anonymous spam stalkers!

I wouldn't call that a "manly" moment so much as a kind of badass coincidence. Plus, we all know what the REAL manliest movie moment is:
"YES SIR!!!"

Either that or Chow Yun Fat playing clarient at the beginning of Hard Boiled. Soooo badass.

PS. I post so many comments on your blog. When you gonna return the love, man?

At 5:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.


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