Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yo Ho, Yo Ho!

"Dead Man's Chest" was not a very good movie on its own, but how can you resist pirates??? It suffered very much from middle-movie-itis, where there is too much set-up and not enough pay-off, but that's fine. It was still a lot of fun, even if the coolest part of the movie was the last shot (BARBOSSA??? OMFG WTF WHAAA???). Davey Jones and his crew were just too cool for words, and now that everything's been set up, the final movie is sure to be a blast. Who will Elizabeth fall for? What's the back-story on Davey Jones? Who did he fall in love with? What will happen with Davey's heart? And how will Chow Yun Fat play into the whole thing? I'm betting this movie will be the weakest of the trilogy, but that doesn't mean it still can't be enjoyed to the utmost degree. Arrr!!!

If it were up to me, I would have left the cannibal stuff at the beginning out since it had nothing to add to the plot (even if it had some great action moments). Also, I may have let certain side characters go such as Norrington and those two guys who played the R2 and Threepio role this time around (one of them has a wooden eye). They were fun, but the movie ran too long because of them. I love a long movie, but in this case the pacing was so frenetic it got to be a bit exhausting, and the plot was confusing too at times. I never had a chance for a breath of "air," so to speak. If these extraneous things had been taken out I think the audience would have had more of a chance to really understand the dynamics between all the characters a bit better.

Even so, this "Pirates" at the moment looks well on the way of beating all Spider-Man records (surprise, surprise). A little Depp, rum, and swordplay goes a long way.

A lot of other heavier stuff has been on my mind lately aside from movies, but I'm too exhausted to write about it now. Specifically the sheer amount of work I have been doing is taking its toll a bit on my social life, so that I am too tired to interact with friends when the want to get together. But such is the choice I made...I had to make dough this summer one way or another, and the hours really aren't great as a prostitute. And nobody would buy me anyway.

Drink up me hearties, YO HO!!!


At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish! No! I didn't know about Barbossa...I heard there was a great twist, and I couldn't wait to go see it! Aaaaaahhhhhh!

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, way to spoil the movie for Anthony, asshat! I liked the C3PO and R2 guys, though yeah, a wee bit smaller part would have been nice. I don't think you can get rid of Norrington because it seems like he's gonna play a major part in the third movie.

I keep comparing this movie to "Empire" but the more I think about it, I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate. Other than the business with Jack, there's no real "oh shit" moments on the level of "I'm your father", "I love you-- I know", hand slicing, and carbonite goodness. It's more like a really, really solid Temple of Doom, assuming that the Indy movies followed a straight-line plot continuity instead of being isolated sequels. I think the ultimate judge of how well the movie stands in the trilogy is gonna come down to how well it sets up the third film, and how well that setup gets paid off. Sorta like the Matrix movies. Only good.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fish, you bastard! Edit this post immediately, you ruined one of the best surprises in recent movie history!

At 3:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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