Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So It Begins...

Apparently Will took my "Blog Wars" challenge seriously. Which is fine. I'll write some comments for him as soon as I think of anything relevant to say.

I had a very fun fourth. In my eyes it essentially boiled down to one of those pool parties you had at your friend's house when you were twelve. We played B-Ball in the water and squirted each other with pool noodles. The only difference was that this time we had wine and margaritas.

Just finished watching "Syriana" with my dad. A very well-made film with some chilling moments. However it just gives you a sense of futility about the whole Mid-East oil mess. The only honorable characters are left with nothing in the end, while the corrupt keep gaining. One wonders to what degree our government is really in cahoots with the oil companies, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not far-off what is portrayed here. To be honest, I also didn't always understand what was going on, but I think that was the point. The Mid-East oil situation is mind-numbingly complex, and so the movie also was meant to be confusing as well (I think).

Sooner or later we're just going to run out of oil completely, and then we'll be in a real slippery (har!) mess. Provided the planet's still doing OK by that point. I am just keeping my fingers crossed for hybrids to become cheaper and more efficient within the next several years.

Speaking of cars, I noticed that several of my college friends now have vehicles of their own for the coming year. It's cool I guess, but it's also bittersweet. While carting people around last year certainly got tiresome at times (and it was painful on the bank account), I'm going to miss all those "Dan...can you give me a ride pleeeeease???" requests (especially when they involved cute girls!). Also, as busy as I am, sometimes the only times I ever had a chance to catch up with certain friends was when I drove them around.

Even so, I am very much relieved that my car will get a bit of a break next year. Because I won't be getting much of one.


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.


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