Saturday, June 10, 2006


I got together with some old friends this evening. For a while I had to convince the two of them NOT to see "The Omen," since I really wasn't excited about seeing a shot-for-shot remake (if you're going to remake something, do so CREATIVELY). Finally, I got them to go see "Cars."

What a fun movie!!! Not Pixar's best (that's still reserved for the two "Toy Storys" and "Nemo"), but a worthy addition to their collection. Go see movie I've seen in theaters this year.

Afterwards we walked down State Street. Maybe it's just me, but was Downtown SB ALWAYS such a party zone? I don't remember it being so crazy back in high school. It makes me worry that even my semi-quiet hometown is in transition to becoming noisy and crazy. Some things don't last forever, but just realizing I might have MEMORIES about Santa Barbara and how it used to be makes me feel old.

While cruising down the street, I also ran into LOTS of friends of mine whom I haven't seen in ages. You know, those people you kind of don't expect to really see again, but you always wind up running into? In some cases it was great to play catch-up, and in other cases it wasn't. In one instance, a former female friend freaked out and turned the other direction, avoiding me--it's nice to know that with at least some people I carry that sort of embarassing power...


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