Monday, August 07, 2006

Fish gets PAID to make a movie!

Just watched "The Picture of Dorian Gray" from the 1940s on TCM. The first 40 minutes or so were pretty boring, but once creepy things started happening to the picture of the title things got interesting, and by the end I was surprisingly wrapped up in the whole chilling story. Granted, the overall film was WAY to talky, and had a whole crapload of narration that generally loosened tension instead of tightening it, but still there's something to be said for these old school black-and-white horror movies that relied on psychological creepiness instead of "jump-out-of-your-seat" scares.

Today was also the first day of shooting for the promo vid I'm doing for the museum. It's been an interesting experience, since I'm handling it very documentary-like. To be honest I've never done much in the way of docs, so I'm nervous how the whole thing will turn out. Generally my rule of thumb with all my projects has been to have a pretty solid idea in my head how the final product will work. Room should always be left for improvisation (and unforeseen set-backs), but I like to at least be confident with the overall idea in my head. Here it's been different, since I have had very little time to prepare, and many of the scientists will simply ramble on about whatever seems interesting to them (editing is going to be a NIGHTMARE). I'm generally just discovering the project as I shoot and fly by the seat of my pants. I suppose the other reason why this is nerve-wracking is this is the first time I've ever shot anything that had a paycheck attached to it, but hey, that's also pretty flippin' sweet too.


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